Journey to Joy Healing



I founded Journey to Joy Healing because of a deep calling in my life to be a facilitator of healing and to help myself and my clients to find joy, which is why I am so passionate about my work as a Certified Massage Therapist, Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice, and Holistic Health Practitioner.   Throughout my own journey thus far, I have completed training at the highly regarded International Professional School of Bodywork in San Diego, CA and through the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program. My background also includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Child Psychology, Sociology, and Theatre Arts from the University of Minnesota.  I spent years as an Early Childhood Teacher and Certified Child Life Specialist, working in schools, centers, and children's hospitals with people of all ages.  I have a true passion for nurturing the world around me, inspired by generations of nurturers before me.  Two of my greatest heroes have been my grandmothers, Joyce Mecklenburg and Helen Zangl.  My grandma Joyce truly lived up to her name, as she found and filled joy into all the little spaces and twists and turns of life.  She lived a life of service and love.  My grandma Helen inspires me to no end with her dedication to life-long learning, unwavering faith, and passionate commitment to the Serenity Prayer.  Both of these strong women were talented, intuitive nurses and gave of themselves under the paradigm, "To heal is to touch."  I dedicate my practice to these strong women as well as to all of the other greats who have helped to blaze the journey before me.

 What makes my work unique is the element of energy healing that I bring to all of the modalities I practice.  I strive on my ability to connect with individuals and tap into my developed intuition to allow clients to experience optimal healing benefits.  Some of these benefits include decreases in stress, pain, and tension, and increases in vitality, holistic health, and well-being.  I am extensively trained in grounding individuals so that you may leave my office feeling a more intimate connection with the world around you while being more centered within yourself.

 If you are open to achieving these beautiful gifts that life has to offer, then I am ready to work with you!  Come experience a healing session with Journey to Joy Healing and enjoy the way you were meant to feel.

In Gratitude,

Samantha Mecklenburg, CMT, HHP, HTPA, CCLS, BA


Mission Statement

Journey to Joy Healing provides service with the foremost intention of achieving the client's highest good and greatest sense of wellness.   The practitioner works under the paradigm of compassion to utilize trained techniques of bodywork and energy therapy to help cultivate, guide, and hold a healing space for the client.  Journey to Joy Healing honors the inherent worth of each individual and our surrounding multiverse and recognizes that integrative body and energy therapy are necessary for the healing and maintenance of the harmonic dance that exists within all.


Journey to a Greener World

In my bodywork practice, I have made the choice to move toward using organic towels, sheets, blankets, aromatherapy, oils, cremes, and lotions whenever possible.  You benefit from my high quality products and the joyful ripple effect is felt around the world.  To learn more about why this is the responsible and smart choice, please visit:

WattDoesItUse:  By learning more about the energy you consume each day, you can further your journey of conservation and savings, a total win-win!  For a user-friendly way to calculate your own energy usage and find energy usage for electronics that you are interested in purchasing, please visit  Here you can also stay up-to-date on recent news and educational materials related to conservation and advancements in clean and renewable energy.


Other Links

Healing Touch International/Healing Beyond Borders:

Herbin Acupuncture & Wellness: